Gang gi Makan ;D

Gang gi Makan ;D
2 idiots missing D:

Lame ppl for life !

Lame ppl for life !
<3 ya xD

No Gabby ~ sadly xD

March 26, 2008

Kinda happy bout it ^^

i did good thing~~~help to ..gotong-royong at the rumah impian~~
kanak2 terencat akal~~poor thingy*sad sad *
but they were like WOW~~
so damm good their drawing~~
better than lots of my fren at least xD
mines better of course ^^but wat can ya expext from them
i mean..their like so GOOD!!*compare to me sure la* painted their swimming pool with frens..
did a crap job..2 hours teacher wan us do like GOD-LIKE~~
gila 1!!!
got some pics la..
but lazy wan post..u know me la ^^
i join the drama!!!! *crazy lil me*
not i wan to la..forced to..
thx to some1~~~ he know who la
we will call him xD
dun care bout that
this 1 i'm doin is on aids..
i;m the victim...poor me..sepose b
but he say..mby can';t go..
damm him T.Toh dammit..but its nice the story..
so i forgive him ^^~~~~~
now now..i'm hell tired~~~~ so will post the pics someother time~~~
for u all to c~~~*no me inside duh*
peace out k ^^

D.3.n.z.1.3 out brothers and sisters xD

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