Gang gi Makan ;D

Gang gi Makan ;D
2 idiots missing D:

Lame ppl for life !

Lame ppl for life !
<3 ya xD

No Gabby ~ sadly xD

August 12, 2008

Tagged by MeiYih

1. The age you'll be on your next birthday:


2. A place you'd like to travel:
Japan~~~ xD...wait..
i think i'll like to travel the world =D
get to learn new things u know =D

3. Your favourite place:
believe ir or not its kasturi ~~~ ixD
but only on weds and sun though~~
its more interesting during that time =DD
and it helps to reduce stress too =D

4. Your favourite food:
oh hohohoho xD
anything and everything =D
no la~~ probly..homecook .. or something
takoyaki?? xD
and Meiyih!! raw fish is goooooood xD

5. Your favourite pet animal:
the one and only doggies xD
cute ~~ as they bite =D

6. Your favourite colour combination:
oh hohoho xD
i;ll hav to go with blue and black =D
it looks nice on ppl's body when its made by u xD

7. Your favourite piece of clothing:
probly will b..anything comfy =D
doesn't jam ur movements and feels good in it xD

8. Your all-time favourite song:
crazyfrog xD
hahahaha..nah~~ just kidding
erm...all time fav
why do u even care wat i like huh!!!????

9. Your favourite TV show:
TV is no good...
it is called an idiot box btw xD

10. First name of your significant other/crush:
my name is Mr.KuKu ~~ xD
and i doono wat u talking bout =D

11. The town you live in:
think of this..
its a very dark place
cause its filled with indians xD
dun tell u la xD

12. Your first job:
oh hohohoho xD
dun b notty notty~~ small kids should not know wat me doin xD

13. Your dream job:
something that i dun hav to do anything
and get high pay =DD
now thats living it =D

14. A bad habit you have:
er...i always like to get mixed into stuff?

15. Your worst fear:
being sliced into tiny tiny lil pieces
starting from the toes while i'm still alive..
man..wont that hurt?

16. The one thing you'd like to do before you die:
get rich~~ travel the world~~
and enjoy life =D

i tag~~

1.Syabil~sorry if i spell wrong again
2.since i dun see meiyih tagging ann~~so Annjill
3.Carmen~~ if u even read this blog =D
4. anyone who even visits this blog!!!

~d3nz13 out~ xD

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