Gang gi Makan ;D

Gang gi Makan ;D
2 idiots missing D:

Lame ppl for life !

Lame ppl for life !
<3 ya xD

No Gabby ~ sadly xD

October 14, 2009

Wonderful words from Zhu De Yong 朱德庸語錄

Not sure if you ever read his comics, I used to read it some years ago when I was "young". Some of his words are really funny but true! I try to translate a few in case you cannot read chinese:

- the so called regret, is the feeling after you kill someone or get married.

- every guy would like to have an affair, so that they can have a feeling of start a new life
- p/s 50% of the guys would like to start many new lifes.

- in the guys dictionary, the most important word is "sex"; in the girls dictionary, the most important word is "beauty"; if you combine the two dictionarys, you can find nothing.

- the different between friendship and love is bed.

- the married girls dislike single girls, because they always create "trouble";
- the married guys dislike single guys, because they are too happy.

The rest you read it yourself....

** 男人婚前不可能搞懂女人,等婚後搞懂也已經來不及了

** 夫妻之間一定要保持百分之二十的欺騙,才能維繫住百分之百的婚姻

** 女人為了了解男人,必須付出慘痛的代價,但當女人了解男人後,就會發現男人其實不值得那個代價

** 暫時的迷戀,有時會成為永久的傷痛,或--- 婚姻

** 戀愛很冒險,結婚很危險

** 沒有永久的快樂,所以,沒有永遠的愛情

** 已婚的女人敵視單身女人,是因為她們太會作怪
** 已婚的男人鄙視單身男人,是因為他們太快樂了

** 情人總是會分手,只不過變成夫妻後會慢一點

** 友情和愛情到底有什麼差別? 其實只是一張床的差別

** 男人有千萬種,女人只討厭一種,就是對自己沒興趣的那種

** 男人的字典裡最重要的一個字:性, 女人的字典裡最重要的一個字:美,
** 當這兩本字典合在一起以後,你什麼字也查不到

** 每個男人都希望一生中能擁有一個情婦,因為他們需要有再活一次的感覺
** PS:可惜至少有百分之五十的男人想要再活很多次

** 所謂天堂,就是所有的女人都在,只有老婆不在的地方
** 所謂自由,就是一個男人獨居時所擁有的東西(也是女人不結婚時擁有的東西吧!)
** 所謂懊悔,就是殺人或嫁人後,會產生的一種東西

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