Do guys suffer from PMS? xD or shall i say mood swing LOL! xD
April 10, 2010
April 8, 2010
All ya need is 3 weeks in college and you'll have a bunch of lovely...LOVELY idiots to play with <3 xD
here's Brandon LIM the poser ~ yes ~ he's chinese xD
Natalie Hew my momma ~ dun ask how it happen ~ i just call her that <3 xD
My beloved idiots <3><
Stupid faces <3
and the 1 in the hoodie(grey) is SHERMANE! xD my daughter who owes me lolipop xD
thats all for now ~ weee ~ College rocks!..for now ><
April 4, 2010
April 2, 2010
After a great day has passed ..
Everything now is back to normal.Boring -.-'
I seriously have nothing to do ~_~ other than maths.
Btw , ya know how it actually sucks to have nothing to do.
I mean..we can spend the whole day on facebook , msn , skype , twitter , blogs ~
But u can't even spend a bit time (ok..maybe not ABIT) to go out for a movie with frens.
PEOPLE! u need to be filled with more LIFE! MOREEE I MEAN!! D:<
ok.u can kill me now :D
April 1, 2010
March 30, 2010
Ya know how they say that sometimes..even getting something off your chest can make ya feel better.
Even if it might result in a horrible disaster?
Its actually NOT so true LOL
But yes ~ it does make u feel a bit at ease.
just a little...
Anyway ~ back to life ~
College is doing great ~ Finally I have homework :D (never been happier)
yes ~ i have a freaking essay to do ! and damm..there's maths too =.=
the bloody freaking MATHS is ADD MATHS standard! and I'm in foundation in ARTS for crying out loud! =.='
but a fact to accept..Add maths will come to hunt u down just when u thought its gone for good =.=
so yea..better brush up on it soon ~_~
Got to make some frens ~ same people from last week ~ but at least got a buddy to hang out with now :)
Gabrial ~ or GAYbrial is a pretty neat guy ~
Brandon is on the same lvl as me ~ IQ-less ~
and yes ~ Natalie is WAY above us =.= ~ scary in a way.but nice person.
many more..that i need to get to know better ~ like khai yee ~
but we'll just see how it goes ~ who knows we might be in different groups in week 4 =.= that'll suck bad LOL
tata's for now ~ peace out ;)
March 28, 2010
March 27, 2010
I just realise..
Ever girl is like ur mom =.= LOL!
its just tat ur mom doesn't show u her "childish and cute" side ~ While ur female fren does...
So once ur female fren gets tired of u ~ or when their having PMS ~
Yep ~ you get another mommy ;D which sucks Dx
anyway ~ the past few days was KINDA fun ~
3rd day of college was pretty enjoyable actually ;D probly cause the teacher was "YOUNG" and sporting xD
Study skills :) a class that i'll comfirm never miss LOL! for now xD
Anyway ~ on that Weds itself ~ went to cheras for lepaking :P leisure mall ~ lol
I take back what i said ... The spring IS! bigger than leisure a tiny bit xD LOL
went to watch 72 tenants of prosperity ~ stupid yet meaningful show xD go catch it if you haven't :)
then went to Abi's dad's shop for "lunch".
It was 3 something if i'm not mistaken :P
Not bad la the food xD at least ada rasa and cheap xD
oh ~ its western btw :)
Talk abit here and there ~ then went off back homeee ~
weee ~ end of the day ~
Thurs pulak went setapak for badminton ~
went dinner with natt and chan ~
end back to home sweet home xD
and this is getting boring =.=
and can someone tell me how to cure INSOMNIA...cause I think i have it zzzz
anyway..peace out ~ time to go jump around until i'm tired and sleepy xD bb ~ LOL
March 23, 2010
March 18, 2010
so yes~ Abi said i should change my blog skin ~
cause why?
Its too dark =.= wth zzz LOL ~
but who cares ~ its time to change anyway :P
Lets see ~ today wasn't all that boring ;)
went to PJCAD with Abi for this designing workshop which yes..
have to admit was pretty much a waste of time xD
but having stuff to do and 2..oh was just 1 :)
1 monkey ( Sarah ~ Abi's fren) who keep asking me to stop shaking my leg
and probly the 1st girl EVER to start hitting and pinching me in less than 2 hours knowing me =.=' record zzzz
But its always fun to know new ppl :D like Emin was pretty cool~ cause he can draw~
unlike US (abi ~ sarah ~ and me :P)
yes ~ we sucked xD okay..maybe not THAT bad :P
but can't compare to him xD
On to the project ..."project" LOL!
we had to design a FUGLY monster ( 1st thing in mind..Jacq xD) and then make it into a soft toy :P
I have the pics with me..but lazy wan upload zzz
was 1st to finish but yeah..ended up like shit anyway xD
oh ~ may I add that Abi was the messy-est xD somehow she just can't keep her hands clean :P xD
Looking forward to tomoro cause we have to do a catapult..out of sticks =.= yes..
suckishhh LOL!
have to wake up early again D:
will upload the pics tomoro la..if got mood :3
peace out xD
March 17, 2010
YAyyyy !
I just realised i'm not getting my Iphoneee !
but oh well~ still got a nokia 5230 :P
so its better than nothing :P
Anyway ~ currently in a dilemma on what to study =.='
so many damm freaking things to study and i can't choose a damm 1 =.='
Cause .... lets just say those ABOVE me knows more and there are A LOT of them who r above me =.='
so the more options i have..the more stuck i'll get =.=
THANKS ~ =.='
I also realise something..
my blog is dying =.= and i need to change the damm layout =.=
getting old edi T_T LOL!
Damm I hate having so many accounts to handle =.='
guess what goes around comes around :P
thats all for now ~ peace out
and dun ask why my blogging way sucks so much =.=
I forgot how i used to type d =.= zzzz