My plans for being a Joker is like...Holy COW!!!
Its so freaking hard to get stuff together ._.'
The costume is totally have to make due with what I have =X
Face paint is still on the way...(its hell expensive btw -.-' )
and I need a weapon xD (chain saw recommended by a idiot friend )
But yeah..I decided to make the Joker's costume with a black coat instead of purple and not that long -.-(since purple is international gay color..heck..)
The shirt will b pink instead of green/orange (new/old)
and I might have to get a vest from Zi liang....-.-'
So yeah..oh ya~~ and the hair will be short =(
I feel like my plan is going down the drain T_T
but heck~~ tak cuba tak tahu~~ sudah cuba hari-hari mau xD
So dun expect my Joker to be like the picture below -.-
But yeah..check out that bumblebee!!Heck wicked !!! DAMMIT!! SCREW YOU!!!
Its a female inside that btw ._.
Lets all hope my plan goes well and I can spook ppl with my smile =D
And I have 6 other idiots following me to C2Age already!!
March 30, 2009
March 29, 2009
First and foremost
I want to thank all those wonderful people who helped
even though a little to reduce global warming last night =)
Those who didn't...
Just kidding =)
Those who didn't ~~ you might have the same problem as some of my friends
Parents dun let
How do u think it will b if i mixed this~~~with this xD
and a knife in my hand for a cosplay? xD
can't think of any character though xD other than "The Joker" =D
How how? Splendid rite?
No 1 will know who am I~~ xD
Now..problem is....what if police catch me ? ._."
March 24, 2009
Earth Hour !
It is getting closer ~
And its the best for all ~
Please check out this video and see how you can contribute in saving our earth.
March 22, 2009
Why people !! Why????!!!
Update your freaking blog for crying out loud!!! OMG!!!
Anyone up for C2age?
It stands for Comics /Cosplay /Anime / Games exhibition !!
here are the details =D
Date : 16th May 2009
Venue: HELP University College Main Block
Time : 11am - 6pm
Ticket Pricing:
Individual - RM10 [ for early buyers]
RM15 [ on the spot ]
Group of 15 - RM 8 per person
C2AGE schedule, subject to change!
11.00am ~ 11.15pm – Opening speech by Mr Danesh [ director of HMC HELP University College]
11.15pm ~ 12.00pm – Cosplay catwalk/Cosplay Performance
12.00pm ~ 3.00pm – Break*
3.00pm ~ 3.45pm – Cosplay performance and Anime opening/ending song questionnaire
3.45pm ~ 5.00pm - Cosplay/Anime chess
5.00pm ~ 6.00pm – Closing ceremony
Booth prices are listed as RM30 for a 5feet x 1.3feet booth section.
FOr more info pls click here
Anyone going please tell me =D
then we can together gather go =D LOL!!!
March 21, 2009
Why do you call yourself useless?
Why call yourself insignificant?
Yes sometimes we might done things we regretted.
But that does not mean we are not loved.
You can say that your friends hate you.
You can say that your parents treat you like trash.
You can even say that your partner is cheating on you.
But God is there for you.
He cares and loves you.
You might say that I'm crapping =X
But just stop and think.
Out of the millions and millions of sperm cells your father produced.
And out of the millions of ovem cells that your mother produced.
Only one sperm cell and one ovem cell was chosen.
Those 2 cells are you.
Disgusting..I know xD
But is this enough to prove that God chose you even out of the millions
of millions of cells?
So don't ever look down on yourselves.
Not because if you do not love yourself~
How will others come to love you? =3
March 16, 2009
I found this really cool battery powered lamp!!!
Its really really really and I mean really cool!!
at least to me =D
The product is seriously cool ~~ Click here to check it out =D
and click here to check the whole site out =D
And yes~~ I'm promoting ur site Carmen!! cause I can't buy the thing =X
but that doesn't mean other ppl shouldn't know bout it rite?
LOL !! xD
~out goes «†dεŋZι冻~
March 12, 2009
save the earth =D
or that what they always say =X's what u should do =D
or must do ~~ cause this is an order ~~ wakakakakaka
Not the whole day but for one whole hour only =)
8.30 at night ~~ till 9.30
Kinda of stupid rite to ask us off everything at nite~~
what happen if someone comes into ur house D=
but yeah~~ pls join the fun =D
u can scare ur frens if u want xD just sneak out and go to their house
and freak them out =D
it'll b a fun night xD
Go to for more info
Its just like ur saying~~ screw sejarah ~~ and i';ll screw u xD LOL
I can't study at home...
Reason is pretty obvious ain't it ~~
so ~~ this brings to conclusion~~
that all homework and anything that has to do with studies can't do it at home =D
which means~~~ i'm screwed for not only midterm =D
but also SPM ~~
Yay~~~~ screw it all =D
screw you~~ you ~~ and you =D
Seventeen forever - Metro station
March 10, 2009
I just made this new blog =D
Its just for stories =D
So check it out xD
I'm just starting~~ and I'll try to update as soon as possible =)
thats all for now xD
Peace out
March 8, 2009
semakin hari semakin membabikan~~
Why does everyone lovessss to be self centered?
dammit..spoiled my freaking mood =.=
just to clear up misunderstandings...
its not bout any of my frens..more bout my usual =.='
and i hope that those who read this will try not to b like them.
When we live in this world~
We always expect everyone to live up to our expectations.
Thus~ leading to u must live up to mine and I must live up to urs.
But when we do so~~ we tend to b unsatisfied ~~
and suddenly ~ we wan u to live ABOVE our expectations.
Not only that~ No one is perfect.
Yes~~ u treat as we are damm perfect and that we can accomplish whatever u in hell desire.
You can't even do that thing urself and u wan us to do it for u?
WOW!! That didn't suprise me for shits!
Think for once ppl~~
If you have to live up to my expectations~~
and I have to live up to yours~~
how in hell are we sepose to get along when u can't even reach near what I wan and
I can't reach near what u want?
Dun you think its stupid?
But yes~~
in this day and age~~ thats what WE the future generations must live up to.
Not that we choose to~
But we have to ~~
Wth rite? If we don't~~ we are useless/stupid etc etc ~~
Come on la~~ if you even compare my result with some other people results~~
e.g. "Peoples son can get 11 A1 ~ why can't u?"
Dun u think I can say the same?
We all wan a perfect life~~
cause why?
we just wanna make other ppl kiss ours hides when we have the advantage.
Why life for the sake of other people and not urself?
Can't we just be contented with what we have?
How in hell do you even expect everyone to live up to ur freaking standard when u keep
raising it???
Man~~ this is getting nowhere~~~
Signing off
cause ur too stupid to understand
March 7, 2009
I mean~~ who the heck will scold u if u take food for them?
Oh wait~~ my dad does ~~
Anyway~~ back to my original intention
just for starters~~
yeah i know~~
macam terlebih-lebih~~ but thats the fact =)
for details~~ pls read the newspaper and use ur brain to think k? =)
many and I mean MANY of my frens are emo-ing very often this time of the year.
Why u ask?
Some emo cause they never won 1st place for sports
Others emo due to exams
Most if not all emo due to love life D=
Funny one is u emo cause u had an indirect kiss with someone of the opposite sex xD
(not talking bout u xD )
So i decided to post bout how to cure emoness xD
if its due to sports~~
Go bully some noobs or go run around the field for hours xD
If due to studies~~
Get good results so u can smile when u see it =)
(if u don't get good results~~ at least u tried rite?)
or if ur emoing while studying~~
than u should just get some hotwater ~~ place it in a bottle
or something and place it on somewhr on ur body =)
warmness rocks =)
if due to love life~~
U should just go and die cause the love of ur life just left u =D
and yes`~ i'm serious xD
No la~~ just jking =)
Go get some1 to talk to
and u have to know~~ that there are 4 other billion girls/guys
existing on this earth~~ so why bother with one ? =D
yes i may sound like an ass~~ but if i dun say like that~~ will u even grow up?
and lastly ~~ if bout an indirect kiss xD
u should just go kiss some1 u like
of the same or different sex =D
March 2, 2009
Some are having love problem. Others are having examinations.
Some are just thinking too much. Yet they decide to push themselves of the building.
Many of my frens are going through times that may b hard to them
It might b a first for them
or just something SUDDEN which hit them like those Mat Rempits.
But my question is...
Why keep it to yourself?
Why do u always think that people will make fun of u?(some do..but heck)
Why can't u just face the fact that what done is done?
You can never turn bak time~
but you can always change for the better.
And dun go telling me that "You don't understand how I feel"
Thats bullshit cause u just felt it now~~
I felt those way earlier than u and I know how it feels
Not to tell you that you are dumb/stupid/whatever that u keep things to yourself.
Its just that...dun keep it to urself.
People might know more than u think
and their willing to help.
And no matter bad the situation is~ Always believe in God.
You might say that you have no 1 to believe in.
At least believe in God.He is always there for you no matter what the situation is.
What your going through might just be a test from God.
And if u place ur fate in him ~ I'm shure things will turn out fine.
Just remember ur not alone.
my post all getting emo-er~
~ babi sia lol