Gang gi Makan ;D

Gang gi Makan ;D
2 idiots missing D:

Lame ppl for life !

Lame ppl for life !
<3 ya xD

No Gabby ~ sadly xD

November 14, 2008

i takder teman...

I’ve learned that nobody’s going to treat you better than you do.
So you should learn to respect yourself
no i haven't learn this yet
cause i got people like uncle who manyak baik to me
and even if he's acting~~ he's doing a great job xD
but i know he's not la =P
but i no teman

A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than he loves himself.
yes~~ my dog loves me the most
but sadly he's not here anymore =(
so i also no teman now...=.="

A puppy plays with every pup he meets, but an old dog has few associates.
are u telling me that i'm old?
hmm..i kinda have to agree..
oh..i takder teman now...

Life doesn’t seem to go the way anybody wants it to.In fact it usually goes the opposite. But you shouldn’t worry over things you don’t have control over, and if you do have control over something you don’t like, do something to fix it.
how to fix it when i donno what is the problem
the problem relates to bored-ness and bored-ness
relates to friends..
so how?i still takder teman..

Don’t just sit around and complain about it.
You just have to go into things hoping for the best.
But you should never let anyone or anything get the best of you.
Most of all, you should always love yourself and put yourself first
my ~~ stop crapping edi~~
if i let this get over me i'm a dead man
but i dun have teman
and that is sad
so i still takder teman???


dun keep me in suspense
its not good u know..
i can get heart attack

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