Gang gi Makan ;D

Gang gi Makan ;D
2 idiots missing D:

Lame ppl for life !

Lame ppl for life !
<3 ya xD

No Gabby ~ sadly xD

November 16, 2008

Waiting for..

having to wait for something for days is okay
but have to wait for something to happen in months or so sucks..=.="
and yes...
having to wait for something that u have no idea
when it will happen suck worst.
what i'm doin nowdays is wait wait wait
and yes..
it sucks =____="

now i'm waiting for...

  • XYZ camp
  • School to start
  • Tuition..ya i fake rite...
  • Money to come flowing in
  • a free guitar xP
  • time to pass
and yes..

oh ya~~ i'm waiting for a chance to play
Monster Hunter with frens also xD
Can't kill the damm Rathian alone =.="'


Carmen!!! I'm still waiting for my skin ><
but dun rush~~
biar lambat asalkan cantik xD

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