Gang gi Makan ;D

Gang gi Makan ;D
2 idiots missing D:

Lame ppl for life !

Lame ppl for life !
<3 ya xD

No Gabby ~ sadly xD

September 5, 2008


Ahh ~ what a beautiful word ;P
But they are NOT that beautiful.
Some of them are sexy xD
and some are Hawt .
But all of them are my friends :D
Yeah there are times where I felt like smacking them all
and i do =D
we fight and "curse" each other until we calm down
(it helps ;P)
But at the end of the day~
All that way just to spice things up in life
But their not always there for u :(
but that doesn't mean they dun care for you rite?:)

I have no idea why am I posting this right now.
But I guess it is cause i have nothing to post bout :(
Life is kinda boring when friends are not around
but since I have extreamly little "space" in my head
and i can't remember what I did in school today
that is worth posting here

Anyway, leaving all that.
Today in school i didn't study at all
cause my friends and I have to do the mural thingy.
It was kinda fun since i can lepak the whole day
and even walk out of school and teachers wouldn't even bother ;)
but i feel..bad.
for some reason , i wanted to study today.
Yes I know..I ain't THE STUDYING TYPE
but heck..guess sometimes people like me also wan to study k

Okay i am so bored now that i have already wasted bout 30 min
to write only this much :P
My hands are..numb and I feel so..
empty :(

I guess it is because I am so bad with words
that when I compare my blog with
Derek's (the sexy one) or Pik Chun aka Benny's(the hawt one..nah..)
I feel like deleting this blog =(
Oris it just that thier post are interesting like Benny's one with
"em hmm" you ppl dun have to know who or Derek's one on
5 reason Lee Chong Wei lost the olympics final and the
Jaclynbird?hmm..I have no idea man
I want to rate my frens ;P
cause i have too much free time now
you people can play this too k =D

List down 20 of your friends and rate them with "sexy", "hawt","smoking",or "I'm in love"
and name a fruit that you think goes with their attitude.
Apple ~ sweet and loved by everyone
Orange ~ Kind and caring
Watermelon ~ Always there for you
Grape ~ Sour but can be sweet at times
Banana ~ Fun to play with
Lime ~ Very sour but just ur type
Strawberry ~ Popular?
Cherry ~ Just nice

1.Teejay~ Hawt :P(be proud TJ)/ Orange =P

2.Derek~ Smoking/Banana xD

3.Zi Liang~ None of the above xD/Lime?

4.Nathaneal~ Sexy/Grape =D

5.Allan~ Hawt =D/BANANA!!! xD

6.Syabil~ Hawt (ROCK ON!!!)/Cherry

7.Che Yeh~ Sexy/Grape

8.Mei Yih~ Sexy xD/ Orange!! xD

9.Calvin Wong~ Smoking xD/Banana =P

10.Benny(pikachu)~ Hawt/Apple..i think =P he is a nice guy xD

11.Jacob~ Hawt(not that he is..but oh well xD)/Banana

12.Ivan~ Sexy/Cherry

13.Dhana~ smoking xD/Strawberry xD

14.Kwan~ WILL NEVER BE IN THE LIST!!!xD/Banana xD

15.Ezra~ Hawt/Banana ( La Salle Ppl are always fun to play with xD)

16.Wei Khang~ Sexy(vomit)/banana =3

16.Jehanne~ Hawt xD/Orange =D

17.ZL's Aunty~ Hawt xD (rite Zi laing?xD)/grape =D

18.Rasul xD ~ SMOKING!!! xD /BANANA

19.Kimberly~ she's Hawt xD /Cherry

20.Carmen~ I'm in love!!!!(not that i'm in love..but just that she red hot xD)/Apple i think
but 100% Orange ( to me la) xD strawberry too =P


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